Who needs to Comply with the Machinery Directive?
The Machinery Directive (MD) has a very broad and detailed legal definition for machinery, but primarily considers machinery to be any product that contains a linkage of parts that moves under power for a purpose. It also covers assemblies that aren’t whole machines, and groups of assemblies or machines that function together for a common purpose. The MD itself applies to more than just machinery too, it includes a range of equipment that is related to machinery, such as components that are designed to provide safety functions, accessories used in lifting, interchangeable equipment for machines and tractors and so forth.
To claim your product conforms, you must affix a valid CE Marking to the product and produce a Declaration of Conformity backed up by a Technical File.
We are experts at figuring this out and can tell you what you need to know. Call us now to find out.
The MD and Routes to Compliance
If the MD applies to your product, you are obliged to meet its Essential Health and Safety Requirements (ESHRs). You have the option of addressing either the EHSRs directly or showing compliance with the relevant EU harmonized standards. For high-risk machinery listed at Annex IV, the manufacturer must either demonstrate conformity to the applicable harmonized standard(s) or use a Notified Body to certify the product and its technical documentation through EC Type Examination.
Technology International is a Notified Body for the Machinery Directive and can assist in many ways, from safety consulting to full approvals including EC Type Examinations. We simplify the path for you and will come to you for the safety assessment.
Overlap of the Machinery and Low Voltage Directives
Sometimes it can be confusing figuring out if certain electrically powered products must meet the Machinery Directive or the Low Voltage Directive (LVD). The MD specifically lists the types of equipment that are exempt, because they are covered by other Directives. All other equipment that meets any one of its many definitions falls under the MD.
Some of the more common equipment that meets the definition of machinery or one of the other categories usually covered by the MD but is instead covered by the LVD includes:
- household appliances intended for domestic use
- audio and video equipment
- information technology equipment
- ordinary office machinery
- low-voltage switchgear and control gear
- electric motors
We can make the correct determination for you, just contact us for answers.
Why use Technology International?
We can simplify the process and minimize your costs. Our team of consultant engineers has a detailed knowledge and understanding of both the law and the supporting harmonized standards. We can undertake a wide range of tasks on your behalf:
- Safety Compliance Reviews
- Product design assessments
- Determination and selection of applicable legislation and standards
- Development of cost-effective compliance strategies
- Inspections, Risk Assessment & Testing
- Compilation of safety Technical Files and other documentation required for product conformity
- Regulatory advice on all aspects of machinery safety
This is a simple overview of detailed and complex law. You can download the original Directive
in English, Spanish or Portuguese
The list of currently Harmonized Standards to the Directive is here.